If you are intending to use this output for something you can copy and paste it into another file, but there are other ways to save the information that you may find helpful. By default this output is send to the Terminal window, where it is displayed for you to see before the command exits and drops you back to the command prompt. It's a minor detail - one that's overlooked by just about every OS on the market today.When you run commands in the OS X Terminal, they will usually output some result, such as the information you are trying to look up, or status details about the command being run. Not being able to clear the clipboard "easily," while a very valid concern, is not, by any means, the "inconsistent" hurdle that's keeping Apple from breaking into the corporate sector. If Apple were to have stayed absolutely "consistent" over time, we'd still be using something akin to the GUI in OS 7 and we'd still all be managing our files manually (which is a much different experience and much different scope on a 1.3GB hard drive than it is on a 2TB hard drive). But they surely don't fail more than any other company, and they surely hit a lot more home runs than other companies. People railed against it ("How dare you touch my file structure!") but you don't hear much of that anymore, because it truly is, for most people, an arguably "better" way of doing things.Īpple may try and fail in certain cases (the first AppleTV - sync all my content? Really? What's the point of this box, then?) but they usually follow it up with a home run (AppleTV 2 - nice!).

from managing folders and files to managing tags and dates. A great example of this is the iTunes/iPhoto file-management paradigm: what was once done manually by the user (organizing files into a hierarchical folder structure) is now handled by the program, and the user's interaction with those "files" has now shifted.
#Command line clear clipboard mac os mac os x
I agree that Mac OS X has some shortcomings - but to blanket the entire operating system - nay - the entire company as "inconsistent" because of the lack of a one-click "clear the clipboard" function is slightly hyperbolic, no?Īpple's "consistency" stems from the fact that they understand that user interfaces and the way people interact with software changes over time, and therefore, the operating system (and other programs running under the operating system) must change over time as well. I'd like to see an example of an operating system that implements "clearing the clipboard" in a simplistic fashion so that we can compare and contrast Mac OS X's implementation against what you seem to think the experience is supposed to be like.

Is Microsoft to blame for also being "inconsistent" in their implementation of their clipboard feature, since they also have no "easy" way of clearing the clipboard?

#Command line clear clipboard mac os windows
For comparative purposes, here's the procedure for doing the exact, same thing in Windows (which, I think FelixJam would agree, is a very business-centric operating system):